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"Hazaron khwahishen aisi ke har khwahish pe dum nikle"

Our Philosophy

Urdu is the sweetest of all languages. It infuses freshness, serenity and peace.

The Poetic form of thoughts - Gloom or Bloom, binds every soul. Peace and Serenity shall be the natural outcome of our common joy - Urdu. Let us enjoy, feel and create in Urdu!

How sweet the world would be with the sweetness of Urdu around. Shairi, Ghazal or Nazm are just one of the few tools that Urdu has for its expression. The truth is Urdu directly affects our hearts and permanently resides in our soul.

And Hindi being the closest kin, let us enjoy the charm of Hindi-Urdu together!!

Wednesday-20/11/2013  |

What Will You Do Here?

You are the Center of Everything. Histories have never been created alone. It is your energies and intellect that will drive the website. You read, You share, You like, You write and You promote.

Our Contribution

Look No More. This will be our guiding motto now on. If it is Urdu or Hindi, it has to be here.


Nullam vel justo. Mauris viverra mattis neque. Phasellus feugiat pede ut mauris uis orcies tibulum eleifend. Donec est purusiaculis acauctorNullam vel justo. Mauris viverra mattis neque. Phasellus feugiat pede ut mauris. Duis orci.

by David Jackson

Vel justo. Mauris viverra mattis neque asellus feugiat pede ut mauris uis orcies tibulum eleifend. Donec est purusiaculis acauctorNullam vel justo. Mauris viverra mattis neque. Phasellus feugiat pede ut mauris.

by Tom Sam

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